Monday, August 20, 2012


Last week we dug up the potatoes. We started the season so hopeful about about that harvest. Then, they got a blight, were attacked by potato beetles, and we didn't get much rain. So the harvest was disappointing. We planted 75 pounds of seed potatoes, we harvested 75 pounds of potatoes. That is pitiful. 

However, our tomatoes did not disappoint! We've harvested enough now for 2 big batches of sauce. Tomatoes are also making an appearance at just about every meal. 

Farmer John pulled up all the summer cabbage, to make room for the fall cabbage. These were sill in the garden. One was rotten in the middle and went to the chickens. One I turned into coleslaw for a potluck. Another turned into coleslaw just for us. The other two are still in the fridge. Maybe they'll be more slaw, or maybe filling for egg rolls.


  1. If you run out of things to make with that cabbage, we have a great Indian stir-fried cabbage recipe that we got from A&K, which convinced us that cabbage is pretty good after all (even when you don't have time to make egg rolls).

  2. Darn the luck about the potatoes!
    The tomatoes, on the other hand, are glorious. Are those plants still producing?
    Jennings Brae Bank Farm photos and text never disappoint. Thank you!


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